Spoken Tutorial (ST) Course on IT for learning FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) in Linux Environment

About Spoken Tutorial

Spoken Tutorial project, IIT, Bombay is an initiative by the National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Ministry of Human Resources and Development (MHRD), Government of India to spread IT competence all over India.

It is an Audio-Visual teaching tool which students can use to learn a variety of Open Source Software on their own.

Arya Vidyapeeth College as Knowledge center (KC) in Kamrup Metro District

The spoken Totorial Project, IIT Bombay as chosen Arya Vidyapeeth College as a Knowledge Center (KC) in Kamrup Metro District to provide free of cost software training program for its own students and also to provide training to other colleges of the district.

Collaboration of Spoken Totorial program with Directorate of Higher Education (DHE), Assam

Spoken Tutorial Program is in collaboration with the Directorate of higher Education (DHE), Assam to impart software training to the students of all Govt/Provincialised Colleges of Assam.

How to Apply for the Course

Give the following information to: [email protected]

First Name:

Last Name:



Major Subject :



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