Applications are invited for the post of Research Associate (one) and Junior Research (one) in the DBT sponsored Advanced Institutional Biotech Hub at Arya Vidyapeeth College.
1. Research Associate (one Post):
- Educational Qualifications: Ph.D. Degree in Biotechnology or Allied subjects having 2 years of research experience with at least one research paper in science citation indexed (SCI) journal.
- Pay – Rs. 36,000.00 (Fixed) + HRA
2. Junior Research Fellow (one Post):
- Education Qualifications: M.Sc. in Biotechnology/Zoology/Botany with NET qualification with experience in handling Molecular Biology tools & techniques.
- Pay – Rs. 25,000.00 (Fixed) + HRA
Interested candidates may apply in standard format to the Principal, Arya Vidyapeeth College, Guwahati-781016, Assam within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of this advertisement.
The post is co-terminus with the project or earlier based on the performances. Original certificates have to be produced at the time of the interview
Terms & Conditions:
- No TA/DA will be provided to the candidates for appearing in the interview.
- No interim enquiries will be entertained.
- The maximum age limit for all posts is 36 yrs as on 1st January 2017.
Sd/- M.Sarmah,
Principal i/c,
A.V. College, Ghy-16