Post of Research Associate in DBT Biotech Hub

Walk in interview, DBT sponsored Institutional (Advance level) Biotech Hub in Arya Vidyapeeth College for the post of Research Associate on 10/02/2018 (11.00 AM onwards) with original testimonials.

Educational Qualification:

Ph.D. Degree in Biotechnology/Life Science/Zoology/Botany/Molecular Biology/Microbiology having two (2) years research experience with at least one research paper in science citation indexed (SCI) Journal.

Pay – Rs. 36,000.00 (fixed +HRA)

Terms & Conditions:

1.The above position are purely temporary is co-terminus with the project or earlier based on performance.
2.Fellowship amount will be paid subject to release of grant by the funding agency.
3.No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
4.Applicants must produce the original documents during interview.

Sd/- P.K. Bhattacharyya,
A.V. College, Ghy-16



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