International Webinar on ‘Recent Trend in Geography’

The Department of Geography organised an International Webinar in Association with IQAC on 31st August, 2020 on the topic ‘Recent Trend in Geography’. In the beginning of the programme Dr. Dipalee Neog, HoD of Geography gave a welcome address as well as a brief introduction of the resource persons. Dr. Gitanjali Hazarika, convenor of IQAC, Arya Vidyapeeth College delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the college. Dr. A. K. Bora, Professor, Department of Geography, Gauhati University inaugurated the webinar. Three resource persons namely Dr. Asada Haruhisa, Associate professor, Department of Geography, Nara Women’s University, Japan, Dr. R. Jaganathan, Professor and Head, Department of Geography, University of Madras, Chennai and Dr. A. R. Siddiqui, Professor and Head, Department of Geography, University of Allahabad delivered lectures in the webinar. Professor Asada Haruhisa in his deliberation focused on research based studies in the field of Geography. He stressed more on recent trend in Geographic studies and research in Japanese scenario. Another resource person Professor R. Jaganathan in his lecture threw light on recent trend in Geographic studies and research in Global perspective. Professor A.R. Siddiqui also presented a vivid account of recent trend in Geographic studies and research. He gave more importance in Indian scenario. All of them very lucidly highlighted the scope and future prospect in the field of Geography. Student, faculty and research scholar from various institutes of Assam, North-East India and abroad joined the webinar actively. The deliberation of resource persons was followed by an interactive session between the resource persons and the participants. It was really a successful programme. The webinar was ended with vote of thanks given by Dr. Manashi Gogoi, the Faculty of the Department.


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