The Department Of Education, Arya Vidyapeeth College (Autonomous) for the first time celebrated the “National Education Day”on 11th November, 2022 from 2pm onwards to commemorate the birth anniversary of Indias first Education minister Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. He had a profound impact on many sectors of life, especially in the field of education.The main theme for this year National Education day was “Changing Course, Transforming Education”. In this connection a talk was organised and it was delivered by Dr.Anita Bhagabati, Associate Professor and HOD of Education of LCB college, Guwahati on “Mapping the impact of changing curriculum on higher education (NEP 2020 perspective).
First and foremost, Dr.Ranju Medhi, Head, Department of Education, gave welcome speech in which he welcomed the resource person , all faculty members, students, and participants. In her welcome speech, she mentioned that Abul Kalam Azad’s name is very famous and who has done a lot of significant work in the Indian education system. Because of his innumerable contributions in the field of education, his birth anniversary is being celebrated as a National Education Day, as declared by the Govt. of India since 2008.
The talk was graced by the vice principal of the college. Resource person and the Vice principal of the college Mrs. Anita Talukdar was felicitated with a fulam gamocha by a Vth semester student of the department. All the students and faculty members of the department participated in the talk.
Dr. Bhagabati spoke clearly that no method of teaching can succeeds unless the subject matter is graded according to the stage of development, capacity and attainment of the pupils for whom it is meant. She explained the significant points in national education policies 2020 and how today education is the contribution of the great leaders of our nation.
The talk was followed by a lively interactive session where the students and the teachers actively participated. The talk came to an end with a vote of thanks by Dr. Anuradha Baroowa.