Course | Seat Capacity |
Higher Secondary Arts | 135 |
Higher Secondary Science | 135 |
Higher Secondary Commerce | 135 |
FYUGP in Arts( Major & Honours) | 850 |
FYUGP in Science ( Major & Honours) | 545 |
FYUGP in Commerce (Major & Honours) (Self-Financed) | 390 |
Post Graduate Course in Mathematics | 50 |
Post Graduate Course in Chemistry (Self-Financed) | 20 |
Computer Courses | |
Foundation Course in Human Rights | |
Certificate/Diploma Courses in Bioinformatics | |
Courses in Distance Education mode under IGNOU | |
Courses in Distance Education mode under KKHOU | |
Course under NIELIT |
- Higher Secondary Course: A candidate must pass HSLC examination of the Board of Secondary Education, Assam, or equivalent examination recognised by Assam Higher Secondary Education Council.
- Four Year Undergraduate Programme: A candidate must pass Higher Secondary examination of Assam Higher Secondary Education Council or equivalent (10+2 standard) examination recognised by the UGC.
- Two Year Post Graduate Course: A candidate must pass three-year degree course (in 10+2+3 pattern) with Major/Honours in the concerned subject.

The College offers two year Higher Secondary Courses in Arts, Science and Commerce. The College follows the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) curriculum and is subject to the rules and regulations of AHSEC.

The undergraduate degree (UG) programme in the “Four Year Under Graduate Programme” (FYUGP) is a Choice Based Credit System under Semester Scheme. The candidate has an option to exit after TWO, FOUR and SIX semesters of the programme (at the end of each academic year) and shall be awarded Certificate, Diploma, and Undergraduate degree with Major respectively.
Two consecutive (one odd and one even) semesters will make up an academic year. An UG course shall be of eight semesters covering four Calendar Years (Academic Sessions – July to June). The duration of the Odd Semesters (First, Third, Fifth and Seventh) shall be July – December, and that of Even Semesters (Second, Fourth, Sixth and Eight) shall be January – June.
Each student must take admission in four consecutive academic sessions starting with the first semester. Students who do not enrol in the second academic session will not be eligible to take admission in the third academic session and fourth academic season. Similarly, a student who do not enrol in the third academic session will not be eligible to take admission in the fourth academic session.
The programme permits horizontal mobility in course selections for the students. They may pursue the three years or six semester programme within 5 years and four years or eight semester programme within 7 years. The programme allows the students to re-enter the course within a time of 3 years.
The course components of Four Year Undergraduate Programme offered by Arya Vidyapeeth College (Autonomous)
Types of Undergraduate Programme under FYUGP offered by the College
Name | Total Credits | Duration |
Under – Graduate certificate programme in science/ social science/humanities or commerce | 40 (additional 4 credits has to earn in internship if the student exits after one year) | 1 year |
Under – Graduate diploma programme in science/ social science/humanities or commerce | 80 (additional 4 credits has to earn in internship if the student exits after two years) | 2 years |
Bachelor Degree programme in science/ social science/humanities or commerce with Major | 120 | 3 years |
Bachelor Degrees programme in science/ social science/humanities or commerce with Honours/Honours with Research | 160 | 4 years |
Requirements for successful completion of under-graduate certificate/diploma/degree under FYUGP
Certificate/Diploma/Degree | Requirements |
Undergraduate Certificate (Science, Arts, Commerce) |
Undergraduate Diploma (Science, Arts, Commerce) |
Undergraduate Degree with Major (Science, Arts, Commerce) |
Undergraduate Degree with Honours (Science, Arts, Commerce) |
Undergraduate degree with Honours and Research (Science, Arts, Commerce) |
The College offers Four Year Undergraduate Programme in Commerce (eight semesters) on a self financing mode.

The College offers Post-Graduate courses under Gauhati University in the following subjects:
Subject | Capacity | Mode |
Mathematics | 50 | Regular |
Chemistry | 20 | Self-Financed |

The college offers few add-on Diploma and Certificate courses for the admitted students. The basic principle behind implementation of these courses is to provide our students more value, ability and strength within the same time span required for regular courses.
The institution has developed curriculum for the computer courses in self-financing mode. Computer Courses were started in the year 2003 with a vision to provide the students with opportunities for all round development. The courses are designed as per the industry specific needs and are offered at subsidised rates with a view to cater to the demands of all deserving individuals. The classes are held at the Computer Cell of the College. Apart from the regular in-house students, students from other institutions have also benefitted from the computer cell of the College.
The Foundation Course in Human Rights (UGC approved) is being run by the Departments of History in association with Political Science since 2005 to promote awareness amongst the students’ community. Besides, it would benefit the students to employ themselves with NGOs and other related organisations.
Course Coordinator: Dr. Sangeeta Kakoty, Department of History
Eligibility | H.S. Passed |
Duration of the Course | 3 months |
Fee | 1000 |
Total seat | 25 |
The Centre for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology has given the opportunity to the students to learn the latest advancements of Biological Sciences in general and Molecular Biology in particular by using in-silica methods. The courses are designed in such a way that the students can have easy and better job prospects after completion of the courses.
The College offers a Certificate Course and a Diploma Course in Bioinformatics. The eligibility criterion for admission to both the courses is HS (10+2) passed with Biology as a subject . The Certificate Course is executed in collaboration with the NIELIT (previously known as DOEACC Society), Government of India. The Diploma Course is according to the Gauhati University norms. The duration of both the courses is one year. The Zoology Department supervises the courses.
Course Coordinator: Dr. Anindita Deka, Department of Zoology
The fee structure of both the courses are given below:
Items | Certificate Course | Diploma Course |
Admission Fee | 350/- | 500/- |
Registration Fee | As per NIELIT norms | As per GU norms |
Tution Fee | 500/- | 2000/- |
Examination Fee | As per NIELIT norms | As per GU norms |
The college also offers another IT (O level) course of one year duration. This course is offered by NIELIT Guwahati under Ministry of Electronics and Information technology in association with Arya Vidyapeeth College. The course is for scheduled tribe students and is free of cost.
Course Co-ordinator : Dr. Anindita Deka, Department of Zoology
IGNOU Study Centre
Arya Vidyapeeth College has a full-fledged IGNOU Study Centre (Centre no. 04177). The Study Centre supports the academic requisites of programmes right from P.G. to Certificate level. The programmes are Masters in Economics, History and Political Science; P.G. Diploma in Disaster Management, Analytical Chemistry, Environment and Sustainable Development; B.Com; Diploma in Creative Writing in English; Certificate Courses in Disaster Management, Environment Studies, Information Technology and Functional English, Bachelors’ Preparatory Programme. These courses have been structured by National Experts keeping in mind the scope of development of a learner and bringing parity in the learners’ community of the nation as a whole. The best feature of this package is that a student can acquire these degrees/ diplomas/ certificates within the time frame of his/ her pursuing the regular degree classes. Even working persons, housewives, businessmen, NGO workers can benefit from these courses.
Dr. Rupmala Barman, Department of Education is the Coordinator of the centre.
KKHOU Study Centre
The Arya Vidyapeeth College has a full-fledged KKHSOU study centre to offer the distance learning courses under Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University with center code1570. A learner may take admission in any academic programme offered by KKHSOU at the Arya Vidyapeeth College centre as desired by the learner. The admission details and other important relevant information are available in the University website The courses or Programmes offered by the University are Ph.D, M.Phil, Master’s degree, Diploma, capacity building etc. The consolidated time period for the different courses are shown below.
Dr. Krishna Kingkar Pathak, Department of Physics is the co-ordinator of the study centre.

Enlisted here with are some salient features of the add-on diploma and certificate courses run by the college.The basic principle behind implementation of these courses is to provide our students more value, ability and strength within the same time span required for regular courses.
Computer courses were started in the year 2003 with a vision to provide the students with opportunities of an allround development and a realisation that IT education has become an in dispensable part of an individual’s career. Nowadays it has become the prime responsibility of educational institutions to provide industry oriented training along with traditional education.
The courses are designed as per the industry specific needs and are offered at subsidised rates with a view to cater to the demands of all deserving individuals. Apart from regular in-house students, even students from outside institutions have benefitted from this cell.
Duration: 3 Months
The course helps to build a strong foundation on computer basic and office automation tools. Completion of this course leads to smooth functioning of day-to-day activity.
Computer Fundamentals, Introduction to PC, Office Automation Tools (WORD, EXCEL, POWER POINT), Communication Using PC (Internet, Web browsing, E-mail) Introduction of Windows and Linux O/s.
Office Administrators, Front Desk Manager
FEES 3000/-
Duration: 2 Months
This course fulfills the requirements for present day computerized accounting.
Tally 7.2 and ERP 9 with VAT & TDS
Accounts Executive, Office Administrator
FEES 2500/-
Duration: 3 Months
This course is for personnel having a technical bend of mind and interest in the hardware of computers and its operations .
Basic of computer, Operating systems (Windows & Linux), Components of Hardware, Assembling, O.S. installation, Concept of networking
Service Engineer, Technical Support Executives
FEES 3500/-
Duration: 3 Months
This course will help the student to be well versed in layout preparation. The creative mindset of a student will also have the opportunity to get exposed.
PageMaker, CorelDraw, Photoshop
Content Developer, Creative Designer, DTP Operator
FEES 2700/-
Duration: 4 months
This course will expose the students to the launch pad of the world of ‘software’. The student will develop the sense of logic and its application in the world of computer
Basic programming tools, Programming in C, C++, Database concepts, MS Access.
Database Administrator, System Programmer
FEES 4000/-
Duration: 4 months
A sort of capsule course that will enable the students to become well versed with application of computers in daily and necessary activities.
Fundamentals of computer, MS-DOS, Windows 2000/ / XP, Linux, MS-Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access), Internet browsing and e-mail handling, Concept of Multimedia.
Office Administrator, Front Desk Manager, Content Developer.
FEES 3500/-
Duration: 6 Months
This course will help the student become well versed and confident on the application of computers.
Windows 2000/ XP/07, Linux, MS-Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access), Internet browsing and e-mail handling plus DTP.
Office Administrator, Front Desk Manager, Content Developer and Creative Designer.
FEES 4000/-
Duration: 6 Months
This course is structured to make the students well versed with computer assembling, software installation and varied applications of computer.
Windows 2000/ XP/07, Linux, MS-Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access), Internet browsing and e-mail handling, DTP (Page Maker, Corel Draw, Photoshop), Fundamentals of Tally, Basics of web page designing, PC assembling and software installation, Live Projects.
Content Developer, Creative Designer, Technical Support Executive, Service Engineer.
FEES 5000/-
Sl. No. | Course Name | Duration | Fees |
1. | Certificate in Linux Operating System | 2 months | 2000/- |
2. | Certificate in Language Programme (C, C++, Java, PHP, Visual Basic, CSS HTML/ DHTML, Java Script, Logo) | 2 months | 2000/- (Each Language) |
3. | Certificate in Data Base Management System (My SQL, Microsoft SQL, Server, Oracle) | 2 months | 2000/- |
4. | Certificate in Web Designing | 2 months | 2000/- |
We also arrange FOSS program organised and certified by IIT, Bombay One may visit or contact Ms. Karabi Das at 09577300808. Arya Vidyapeeth College Computer Cell also provides coaching for school and college computer courses and, academic projects.
The College will introduce Computer Science as a subject in the H.S. level from the current session with a seat capacity of 50 nos.
Dr. Manab Deka from the Department of Statistics and Dr. Nabin Saikia from the Department of Botany are acting as Coordinators.