Constitution of the AVCSU

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Constitution of the Arya Vidyapeeth College Students’ Union

In pursuance to the order of Honourable Supreme Court, dated 02.12.2005, MHRD, Government of India (GoI) had constituted a Committee under Mr. J.M. Lyngdoh to recommend upon Student Union Election to be conducted in colleges and universities, the Report of which was submitted on 26.05.2006. And whereas Honourable Supreme Court in its order dated 22.09.2006 had directed the recommendations of Lyngdoh Committee to be implemented and followed in all Universities and colleges, and UGC has directed the Universities and colleges for implementation of above by its letter dated 28.11.2006.

In compliance to the above directive, the administrative authority of Arya Vidyapeeth College constituted a committee to review and make necessary amendments (as per Lyngdoh committee recommendations)of the Arya Vidyapeeth college Students’Union (AVCSU) constitution which has been in existence since 29th of January, 2000. The review committee thoroughly examined the existing AVCSU constitution and observed that certain provisions of the same needs to be amended in the line of Lyngdoh committee recommendations. Accordingly the review committee prepared an amended draft of the constitution incorporating all the necessary recommendations and placed before the General Meeting of the students and teachers of Arya Vidyapeeth College held on……This General Meeting of the students of Arya Vidyapeeth College does hereby adopt and give to the students today,……..this constitution and make it binding on all concerned.
