Training Programme on “Programming With C”


Training Programme on “Programming With C”
From 3-7th March, 2020
Organised by Department of Mathematics
Under DBT Star College Scheme

The Department of Mathematics, Arya Vidyapeeth College organised a 5 day long training programme on “Programming With C” from 3rd March to 7th March, 2020 under DBT Star College Scheme. The programme was designed to facilitate the students of Mathematics. The number of beneficiaries in this Training Programme was 40.

The inaugural programme was started at 11:00 am on 3rd March at the College Conference hall. At the outset Dr. Pradip Kr. Bhattacharyya, Principal of the college delivered the welcome address. Professor Pradip K. Das, Department of Computer Science and Technology, IIT, Guwahati was invited for the inaugural programme. In the inaugural speech, he explained the importance of programming in the latest development of science and technology. Mr. Sukumar Dev Sharma, Vice Principal of the college addressed the gathering and explained about the previous programmes organised by the Department of Mathematics under DBT Star College Scheme. The HoD of Mathematics Department Mr. Bhupen Datta Sarma also focused about various steps taken by the department for the benefit of the students.

After the inaugural meeting, Professor Pradip k. Das, IIT, Guwahati delivered two lectures as the resource person. He explained in details of C programming and the students were benefitted a lot. For the second and third day, Dr. Ashish Paul, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Cotton University was the resource person. Also for the last two days Dr. Nilakshi Goswami, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Gauhati University was invited as a resource person.
The closing ceremony was held in the college conference hall at 3:30 pm on 7th March. The students express their feelings briefly and request the department to arrange such type of programmes which will benefit them. Dr. Nilakshi Goswami delivered a brief lecture. The programme came to an end with vote of thanks.


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