Digivarsity Career Lounge

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Arya Vidyapeeth College Autonomous in collaboration with AMTRON Assam and TeamLease EdTech Ltd. became the first college in the entire Assam to launch a Digivarsity Career Lounge in the college premises. This project is a part of the MoU initiated by Government of Assam with various colleges with AMTRON and TeamLease Edtech Ltd. to generate employability.

The whole program was initiated by the Principal of the college Dr. Pradip Kumar Bhattacharyya and was executed by the Nodal officer Dr. Chhandashree Bhuyan with executive members Dr. Deepak Mazumdar and Mr. Parag Saharia.

The chief guest of the Program was Smti. Pomi Baruah ACS, Director of Higher Education Assam who appreciated the Principal as the program is in line with the NEP objectives. The guest of honour was Mr. Ahiya Hussain, Addl. Manager of AMTRON Assam. The AVP of TeamLease EdTech who came from the head office conducted the Seminar and counseling of the students.

The whole program was attended by faculty members, TeamLease Edtech officials and students of the college.


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