Notice Inviting Tender for Institutional Biotech Hub

Sealed quotations are hereby invited from Govt. registered firms / suppliers affixing court Fee stamp of Rs. 8.25 (Rupees eight and twenty five paisa) only along with Earnest Money of Rs. 10,000.00 for ST/SC/OBC and Rs. 20,000.00 for General in the form of Call Deposit / Bank Draft from any Nationalized Bank in favouring of Principal, Arya Vidyapeeth College, Ghy-16 to supply the following instruments for Institutional Biotech Hub against each instrument. The rate should be quoted as per/above/below as govt. specified rate. The quotations will be received upto 1.30 PM of 20th May 2017 and will be opened on the same day at 2.00 PM in presence of the quotationers or their authorized representative(s).

1. Deep Freezer ( – 20°C)
2. pH Meter
3. Water bath Shaker Incubator
4. Spectrophotometer UV-VIS
5. Microscope Trinocular head + Lens & Adaptor
6. Thermal Cycler 96 well

Sd/- M.Sarmah,
Principal I/C,
A.V. College, Ghy-16


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