The webinar on “Dainandin Jiwanot Prasolito Asomiya Bhasar Sudhasudha Bichar” was organized by Department of Assamese, Arya Vidyapeeth College in collaboration with Nalinidhar Bhattacharyya Nyas on 2nd September 2020 at 6.30 pm. Coordinator Dr. Pranita Barman has explained the objectives of organising this webinar to the participants. Dr. Archana Pujari, Associate Professor, Department of Assamese & renowned poet inaugurated the webinar and Dr. Kailash Bhattacharyya, President, Nalinidhar Bhattachayya Nyas welcomes all the participants and resource person. A total number of 415 participants have joined for the webinar. Among them few other state participants also participated. The webinar was held on Google meet platform along with live streaming on YouTube for larger benefit. The programme started as per schedule. The Resource Person of the webinar Dr. Upen Rabha Hackham, Professor, Department of Assamese, Gauhati University focused on proper use of Assamese language and explained different aspects of folklore and folk culture of greater Assam. The practical demo on daily used assamese words and interactive approach adopted for the Programme and various case studies was highly appreciated by the participants. The talk was followed by a lively interactive session where the students and the teachers actively participated. The talk came to an end with a vote of thanks by Ms. Champa Patgiri, Associate Professor, Department of Assamese, Arya Vidyapeeth College and Member, Organising Committee.