International Webinar on changing family dynamics, its attendant challenges and coping mechanism during Covid-19 pandemic

INAURGURATED BY Dr Upala Baruah, HEAD OF Department Of Anthropology Cotton University

1ST SESSION TIME 6:00-7:00 pm

RESOURCE PERSON: MAYUR BORA, Writer, Social Commentator &Motivational Speaker spoke on the impact of Covid 19 in the present society. Sir spoke on how this tiny micro organism have changed the scenario and is holding the world. He also highlighted the pain of the migrant labors who had to suffer the worst out of this Pandemic. He also said that the middle class mind is also an asset and it is not only the Government but also the responsibility of the general public morally and ethically to be a part of the ecosystem and to do something for their fellow people who are in turmoil. The loss in jobs, the reduction in salary, the inability to repay loans has affected may people indirectly, impacting the family which will continue for the next four five years. However the relationship between doctors and physicians has changed we have understood their importance of medical profession and their services have been highlighted during these difficulties times. Sri Bora have also spoke about the way we have trust the digital mode but we lack trust in physical relationship. Sri Bora have also mentioned how earlier the resolance of human beings was tested and is being tested now and this small virus has unstable the world and the light of the end of tunnel is yet to be seen. Sri Bora has also spoken of the earlier instances of history where smallpox brought by the Europeans wipes out many civilizations. In this context Sri Bora said that we should have empathy and we should learn or invoke learning from history that human spirit always trumps in spite of odd and challenges .Sri Bora also said that our greatest glory lays that we should rise every time we fall. Sri Bora thus gave a very wonderful speech and it is truly inspiring.

2nd SESSION TIME 7:00-800 PM

RESOURCE PERSON : Dr Suraj Gogoi Mental Health Coach and Psychiatrist’ Somerset England.

Dr Suraj spoke on the importance of keeping one’s mind stable in this Covid-19 Panademic. Covid-19 has created disturbance not only to the economic setup of a country but also the mental setup of its citizens.Dr Gogoi has emphasized the importance of mental health and how one can keep oneself stable in this Pandemic situation .Dr Gogoi spoken of different types of suffering that people experience in day today life. He cited some example as some child who are anxious to go to school as they did not want to face bulling, child are afraid to come from school as they were afraid to seen their parents struggling with alcohol, students of university facing panic attacks ,anxiety when faced with social situation. He also spoken of the depth of suffering we human beings were experiencing and we go through it. He said that that human beings are in the tunnel of Covid-19 pandemic where there is hard to see any light of hope of light. He also spoke of how to find light out of the dark tunnel of Covid-19. He spoke of sense of identity and when we have to understand this thing of suffering in life we have to go to the fundamental question of ‘who am I’. We all are in some condition and that are being told to all and this create a sense of separate self and this is actually an illusion and are the causes depression. He spoke that our ‘ego mind’ has created that we are special this creates suffering later on. All kind of suffering is related to the ‘separate self’. But we must realized our true self which is an infinite entity and anything that ground us to our supreme force or creative force where we come and go back to, it is that ‘supreme self’ and when we do not see that it this leads to suffering in our lives. Dr Gogoi spoke of very important and relevant topic and its truly very informative session.


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